Cyber Governance
Introduction to Methodology (GOV and CR):
What is Governance, What is Regulations; How is Cybersecurity Management Affected by Governance and Regulation; Introducting ISO, NIST and INCB.
CISO Role; The Need for Business Alignment; Introducing Processes, Life Cycles and Frameworks; Introducting Security Architecture by Secure Design.
Cyber Laws:
Relevant and Applicable Laws and Regulations; National and International Cyber Laws and Legal Cases; Discussing the Need for Compliance and Regulations; Introducing Use Cases.
Governance (Corporate, IT, Security):
What is Strategy: Corporate Strategy, InfoSec Positioning, Risk Modeling, Contextual InfoSec, Conceptual InfoSec, Creating a Strategic Plan.
Cyber Compliance:
Discussing Cyber Compliances; Various Industries Compliances (Health, Finance / Banking, Credit, Insurance); PCI, SOX, Bank of Israel Directive 357 and 361, Regulator of Insurance Directive.
Cyber Security Framework Introduction:
Information Security Program; Introducting Policies, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines; Introduction to International Standards; Introduction to Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) - ISO 27000.
ISMS - ISO27001:
Information Security Program; Security Management Framework; Deep Diving into ISO 27001 (ISMS).
Privacy in the Digital Age:
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Privacy: Privacy world (Our digital signature), Legal requirements for keeping privacy (The constitution, The privacy protection law), InfoSec as means to protect privacy, Privacy by design.
Security Policies and Procedures:
The Need for an Organiational Cybersecurity Policy; Creating a Policy Document; Importance of Executive Management Support; Elaborating on Policies, Standards, Procedures.